
10 Quick Facts About Designer Babies That You Must Know

A designer baby is the result of a genetically modified human embryo to produce desirable traits. This is done using various methods, such as gene therapy or PGD. It has been nearly 40 years since the first ‘test-tube baby’ was created. So how close are we to editing out all genetic imperfections – and should we even try to do so?

Facts About Designer Babies

Within a decade or two, it may be possible to screen kids almost before conception for an enormous range of attributes like:

  • external physical attributes like height, body type, hair color, eye color
  • internal physical attributes like resistance to certain illnesses
  • mental attributes like IQ and personality type.

Have a look at 10 interesting facts about Designer Babies

1. The gene therapy technique

When parents want to have a child with desired traits, they can have it using the gene therapy techniques. It can also be used to treat diseases.

2. Primary Benefits of a Designer Baby

The primary benefit of having a designer baby is that the baby will have a lower risk of having a disease. The specific genetic disease will be screened beforehand.

3. How To Get Embryos

The evaluation for the designer baby can only be performed if the embryos or oocytes are available via IVF or Vitro Fertilization. It is considered one of the assisted reproductive technologies.

4. Selecting Genetic Traits

At least 1,500 different genetic traits can be tested at once by using a microchip today. It is said to provide major advantages over traditional techniques

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5. Are designer babies a product of new technology?

It might occur to you that a designer baby is a new technology, but you are wrong. In 1989, scientists had created the first designer babies. In 1990, they were born.

6. Genetic engineering

The human gene pool may have a deleterious effect if the designer baby is introduced via genetic engineering.

7. Non-medical reasons for choosing a Designer Baby

Some people want to have designer babies for non-medical reasons. They can decide the hair color, sex, intelligence, athletic ability, and cosmetic traits by having the proposed application of pre-implantation.

8. The controversy behind a Designer Baby

The controversy still occurs in how people view the application of designer babies. The process caused by nonmedical purposes is viewed negatively in society.

9. Selecting a Designer Baby’s gender

It has been possible for the parents to select the sex of the baby as of 2009 since it involves the X and Y chromosomes.

10. Risks associated with a Designer Baby

The risk of having a new disease is increased when the genetic modification is applied to new organisms. With the evolution of Genetic engineering, we are inviting new risks whose consequences are unknown.

Life, as we know, is becoming programmable.

These changes are happening fast in the next decade. Beyond that, in the far future, things may get even crazier.

You should also read – The Pros and Cons Of Having a Designer Baby and – Designer Babies – Engineering the Perfect Baby

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