
Designer Babies – How one can Design a Baby before giving birth

A Designer baby is a baby who has been artificially made using in-vitro fertilization. The term “designer baby” was taken from “Designer clothing”, which describes the disapproving implication of the transformation of babies. Liberal technophiles, Libertarians, and transhumanists are the people who support it.


So how do “Designer Baby” work?

Overall, designer babies are a new type of test-tube babies where IVF takes place by fertilizing male and female gametes in a small petri dish, and the embryo is transferred back to the mother’s uterus.

Now this baby is genetically modified during this process with the use of a third “parent” who will be the donor for mitochondria inserted into the embryo. These mitochondria hold the genes of the “third parent” and will, therefore, be incorporated into the embryo to achieve the desired effect. Here are few steps which help in creating the designer babies:

1. First, an Embryo with In-vitro  fertilization (IVF) is created

2. Removal of a single cell from that embryo within the first 5 days of creation

3. Genetically testing the cell

4. The parents then decide whether to discard the embryo and
 implant it in the mother’s womb

Couple quarrel with negative pregnancy test

Although some positive things can be obtained from the use of genetic engineering used on unborn babies, it is often wondered that if parents will have the “right” reasons to modify their baby genetically or if reasoning will become more superficial.

Here are some of the cons associated with the genetic engineering of babies:

  • “Designer” babies would most likely be better looking, smarter, etc. This might create “classes” between designer and non-designer babies.
  • The technology used is not 100% safe yet. It is only in the experimental stages at this point.
  • People might use this technology for superficial purposes like purposely seeking out a blonde-haired, green-eyed baby for appearance concerns only.
  • This technology is so new. It is unknown whether genetically modifying the babies will affect the gene pool. This may cause difficulties later on throughout the baby’s family tree.
  • A baby cannot consent to have its body altered. Therefore some do not believe it’s right as parents do not “own” their children.
  • Genes often have more than one use. For example, a gene that controls intelligence could also control anger management. You could end up with a genius but a very angry child.
  • Geneticists are not perfect people and cannot 100% properly evaluate every gene. It is more than likely mistakes will be made.
  • Individuality will be slighted. Because most people will seek out good-looking, intelligent babies with other optimum characteristics, everyone will be relatively similar.
  • This procedure is not cheap, and there is no guarantee that the result will be 100 percent success.
Although there are many questions of  genetically modifying babies is ethical, and for the moral reason, there are many positive aspects of it:
  • It helps in installing a better understanding of genetics for biologists and genealogist.
  • It increases in the human lifespan for up to 30 years.
  • It prevents genetic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s Disease, down syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and many others.
  • It reduces the risk of inherited medical conditions such as anemia, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and many more.
    It allows parents to give their child a healthy life.
    Genetically engineering babies is an option, not a requirement for all parents. For those that disagree with it, they don’t have to engineer their child.
  • Children are already engineered by parents in many ways. Prenatal supplements, education, religion, and morals are all ways parents control their children.
  • It eliminates mitochondrial disorders.
  • Parents set their limits for genetically engineering their babies.
  • It allows prospective parents to give the child genes that they do not carry.
  • With all scientific and technological advancements, there is ethical disparagement. The ethical viewpoints should not cease the advancement of technology.
  • Although not all the kinks in this newly developing technology are fixed, with more clinical trials and experimentation, it has the potential to be very promising.

Also Read – Pros and Cons of Having a Designer Baby

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