Biotechnology is not just vast, and it’s also beautiful. Scientists have classified a wide range of biotechnology ideas in a different color, making it fun and easy. Biotechnology and color have always been intertwined- nature’s hues are captured in their synthetic state in a variety of market products. Here are some examples: Red for medical and health, Yellow for food, Green for agriculture, and so on. Violent biotechnology is one of such an interesting field of biotechnology.

Violet biotechnology or Purple biotechnology is related to publication, invention, IPRs, and patents of biotechnology. It is devoted to regulation and solving the problems and the formation of a platform for discussion. While all other forms of biotechnology aim at increasing the number of inventions, violet biotechnology properly maintains them.
Like any new field of human science, which is entering human life dynamically, biotechnology is also causing doubts and fears. Among them, the law problems mostly related to patenting the inventions is the most hectic one. Thus, some serious moral dilemmas and discussions have emerged. This results in a dispute between adversaries’ followers of biotechnology. The appearance of all these issues caused the formation of a new branch of biotechnology called violet biotechnology. The content of violet biotechnology came when the Supreme court of the US decided that genetically modified microorganisms can also be patented. The classification was officially accepted from June 16th, 1980.
Violet Biotechnology Includes
- Encouraging new biotechnology invention
- Analysis and Publication of biotech research
- Patent right in biotechnology invention
- Ensure Intellectual Property Rights
Application of Violet Biotechnology
Violent biotechnology is a complicated topic, and it needs a concept to be approved by Parliament and written in the constitution- the process needs years. Here are a few works that have been done in the given issues:
- Bodies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have conducted separate studies about intellectual biotechnology property. WIPO is a permanent body of the UN that is responsible for international cooperation in intellectual property. Their finding has been used to produce various reports for making governments aware of the potential issues and to offer some suggested solutions. Providing intellectual property protection for biotech is a controversial issue, and it is likely that in the initial short term improvements will be at a national and regional level.
- In the mid-1960s, a few countries as Germany, the USA gave any IPRs to plant varieties. This made plant breeding industries to make pressure on their country due to which ten western European countries made a diplomatic process in the early-1960s. These events eventually culminated in protecting the International Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). The UPOV Convention was signed in 1961.
- Criteria to apply for the patent right has been established under Violent biotechnology. In the US, when inventor applies for the right, they need to fulfill five elements for patentability -matter eligibility, have novelty, have utility, be non-obvious, and not have been previously disclosed. In Europe, to be eligible for the patent right, “it must be new, industrially applicable, and involve an inventive step.”
Complications of Violet Biotechnology
Some aspects of biotechnology law are controversial, especially in Europe. Particularly in relation to patents on living organisms such as GMOs, it’s rather complicated. Such controversies claim that the patent rights have been slowing up the progress that could have been made. At the moment, there is no clear international consensus on the ways biotechnology should be treated.
Future of Violet Biotechnology
With the increasing number of discoveries and inventions with passing time, the complications regarding violent biotechnology will increase. Violet biotechnology will be able to maintain all ever made fairly.
It’s future relays on an international agreement where all the countries turn up in a common platform regarding the rule on the patent right of biotechnology invention. The platform for proper analysis and publication is to be maintained while the necessary reorganization for the rightful invention should be provided. Or else, the useful invention that could change the history would be only resting in some paper and records.